Σήμερα η φίλη μου η Κατερίνα είχε βάλει στο γιο μου να κάνει μία εργασία στα αγγλικά. Να γράψει το review ενός βιβλίου που διάβασε και τον ενθουσίασε. Ο Θοδωρής είναι ένας πραγματικός βιβλιοφάγος. Μέχρι πριν λίγο καιρό έλεγα «εκκολαπτόμενος βιβλιοφάγος», αλλά τώρα πια, έχει περάσει στην ενήλικη λογοτεχνία για τα καλά, οπότε το έχει ξεπεράσει αυτό το στάδιο!!
Προς μεγάλη μου έκπληξη, καθώς είναι στην εφηβεία και αμφισβητεί τον πατέρα του και εμένα ΔΙΑΡΚΩΣ, έγραψε Review για τον «Μύθο»! Τρελάθηκα!!! Συγχωρήστε με που φέρομαι ως περήφανη μαμά!! Σας το παραθέτω!!!
Review of a book:
If you like reading books this is definitely a book you have to read. It appeals to a twelve-years- old teenager as well as to an 80 years- old pensioner. It is fascinating for all ages!
Let’s get to the point, shall we?
Daphne who is the main character of the book is a student in an American university, There, she meets her Mythology teacher, professor Phoebus Christian. Some months later she gets deeper and deeper to the world of Phoebus Until she understands that he is Apollo, an ancient Greek god.
A girl will fight with Gods and Titans for love. Will she make it? Or will she sink into darkness?
The emotions and the scenes they present are so strong that you think you are part of the book. Vivian Fortis- Stefanou made a book that is so hard to put down. A masterpiece of it’s kind! I would definitely recommend it and if you don’t have a copy, make sure you get one!!
The opening chapters are appealing that you want to keep on reading. The plot is action-packed and full of suspense. It has also clever dialogues. Moreover it contains vivid description of the character and the scenes it portray their feelings successfully.
The opening chapters are appealing that you want to keep on reading. The plot is action-packed and full of suspense. It has also clever dialogues. Moreover it contains vivid description of the character and the scenes it portray their feelings successfully.
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